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Travel Terms and Conditions


The following terms and conditions apply to any trip booked with Take Off With Tiff (hereinafter referred to as “TOWT” “our” “us”).  By booking a trip with TOWT you (hereinafter referred to as, “you” “your” “tripper” or “traveler”) acknowledge that you (i) are 21 years of age or older, (ii) understand and accept these terms and conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”) and (iii) are entering into a contractual relationship with TOWT.


All trip prices are as posted on the TOWT website at the time of booking and do not include airfare.  Trips are priced per person, based on shared occupancy. Single rooms may be available at an additional cost and the prices will be listed where applicable.  Prior to booking, prices are subject to change without notice. If you are using our payment plan option, you must submit a non-refundable, non-transferable, per person deposit (equivalent to the first month’s installment payment or other amount determined by TOWT in its sole discretion) at the time of booking to reserve your space.  You may submit payments to TOWT by online transfers or credit card.  

Payment Schedule: Tripper understands and agrees to satisfy their balance in full no less than 30 days prior to the date of arrival. Should Tripper fail to submit the final payment 30 days out, a 10% late fee will be assessed each day based on the original amount.

If Tripper fails to submit payment in full by 15 days prior to the date of arrival, TOWT reserves the right to cancel booking and retain 100% of funds paid.

Company will provide Tripper with a credit card authorization form and will notify Tripper in writing of the date & frequency of the scheduled payments.

Credit Card Payment/ Processing: 

TOWT uses a third-party credit card processing company to provide Tripper with a convenient way of submitting payment. Tripper agrees to update Company’s records in the event that Tripper’s credit/debit card/bank account is closed, expires, or is no longer active for whatever reason. Tripper may contact TOWT directly to provide updated payment information:

Declined Payment: In the event that payment is attempted by TOWT and is subsequently declined, Company will provide Tripper with a courtesy email notifying Tripper of the declined payment method. If the past due payment is not paid within three (3) days of its due date, there will be a 10% late fee assessed for that interval’s payment.

If payment has not been submitted within seven (7) days of the first payment attempt, TOWT reserves the right to cancel Tripper’s booking and & retain all paid funds.


Part of TOWT’s responsibility is organizing the activities, accommodations, and transportation that will make your Trip the experience of a lifetime. We not only host our Trippers during the Experience, but also do the work necessary ahead of time to make sure that everything is in place and ready for you.

Tripper understands that coordination of the Scheduled Trip requires such planning to take place months in advance. For this reason, the following policies apply:


In the event that a Tripper attempts to cancel within 60 days of the Date of Arrival, TOWT reserves the right to retain 100% of all paid funds. Tripper agrees to not file a dispute or chargeback through their bank and to instead utilize their travel insurance in the event that Tripper can no longer attend the Scheduled Trip.


Tripper may receive a 100% refund (less any processing fees) within fourteen (14) days of investing in the Scheduled Trip, so long as at the expiration of those fourteen (14) days the Scheduled Trip/Date of Arrival is more than three (3) months away.

Due to the nature of these services, TOWT is unable to provide any refunds post-trip. We value feedback from Trippers & welcome them to share any comments or suggestions with us here:

Payment Disputes: Tripper agrees to not file a payment dispute or chargeback through their bank/financial institution and to instead utilize their travel insurance in the event that they can no longer attend the Scheduled Trip.

Tripper agrees to not file a chargeback in violation of TOWT’s Refund Policy. In the event that a chargeback is requested and/or processed, Tripper agrees to repay TOWT for the full amount and be responsible for any fees incurred in recouping payment, including attorney’s fees.


Passport and Travel Documents: Tripper is responsible for securing a valid passport. Upon signing up to attend a Scheduled Trip, Tripper will send via e-mail a photocopy of their passport, displaying the expiration date. Ninety (90) days prior to the Date of Arrival, Tripper will send an updated copy of their passport.

Some destination countries require a tourist visa to be secured before entering the country. Tripper understands that it is their responsibility to secure the visa and will do so at the time of purchasing Tripper’s airline ticket(s).

If a visa is required for your Scheduled Trip, Tripper agrees to purchase her airline ticket and obtain a visa within thirty (30) days of booking their Trip.

It is the responsibility of the Tripper to ensure that there are adequate amounts of passport and visa pages within their passport booklet, in accordance with the requirements of the Scheduled Trip destination. TOWT will not be liable in the event that Tripper fails to ensure that Tripper’s travel documents are in order.

Travel Insurance

Each Tripper should purchase a travel insurance policy within fourteen (14) days of booking their Scheduled Trip. The insurance policy should include a minimum of $100,000 of coverage and should cover emergency transportation/evacuation and trip cancellation in the amount of the Scheduled Trip costs, at minimum. 

Tripper agrees to use this insurance policy in the event that they are unable to attend the Scheduled Trip, due to Tripper’s fault or otherwise, or incurs any other loss related to the Scheduled Trip.

Purchase of Airline Ticket

Tripper is responsible for purchasing their airline ticket to the origination city of the Scheduled Trip (unless otherwise noted in writing). TOWT is not responsible for any delays caused by the airline, missed flights due to Tripper error, or otherwise.

Tripper agrees to purchase their airline ticket as soon as possible, no later than 120 days prior to the Date of Arrival. Tripper will provide TOWT with a digital copy of their airline reservation 120 days prior to the Date of Arrival.

One (1) week prior to the Date of Arrival, Tripper will provide an updated digital copy of their travel itinerary to TOWT. 

In the event that Tripper arrives prior to the Scheduled Trip Date of Arrival, transportation from the airport will not be provided by TOWT. TOWT will provide Tripper with a window of time (based on local time) during which transportation will be provided, as outlined below.


TOWT is responsible for arranging transportation during the Scheduled Trip for TOWT-coordinated activities. TOWT will also arrange transportation to and from the airport on the Date of Arrival and Date of Departure in three shifts: early morning, mid-morning, and mid-afternoon. In the event that this schedule does not fit within the Tripper’s arrival or departure, Tripper is free to arrange transportation for themselves at their own expense.


TOWT will provide accommodations for the duration of the Scheduled Trip. Should Tripper decide to arrive early or stay after the Scheduled Trip, Tripper will be responsible for their accommodations on those days/nights.

In the event that Tripper wishes to indulge in room service or causes some kind of damage to their room/accommodations, Tripper understands that they are solely responsible for any and all extra charges to her room/account and agrees to settle such balances prior to departure.

In the event that Tripper fails to settle such charges prior to departure, Tripper agrees to indemnify TOWT in any situation of property damage or fees that remain unpaid. Tripper grants permission to TOWT to charge any unpaid expenses to the card on file belonging to Tripper.

In the event that TOWT must pursue unpaid fees/damages from Tripper, Tripper will be responsible for all expenses associated with securing such payment, including attorney’s fees.

False Representation

At no time shall Tripper make representations, directly or indirectly, to vendors, accommodations, administrators, or any other individual/company that Tripper is somehow affiliated with TOWT n an authoritative, management, or administrative role. This includes but is not limited to requesting confidential records and/or information on accommodations, bookings, excursions, etc. from vendors, etc.


Included in the Scheduled Trip:

  • Housing accommodations. Accommodations may be in the form of a hotel, Airbnb, hostel, villa, condo, homestay, or any combination of these.

  • Planned excursions. These activities can be viewed on the Scheduled Experience Itinerary provided to Tripper by TOWT. Any activities/excursions outside of these are the responsibility of the Tripper.

  • Transportation. Roundtrip airport transport (arrival + departure), as stated in the previous section as well as to and from excursions specified in the itinerary.

  • Travel Guide. A TOWT Trip Ambassador will be made available to Tripper. TOWT’s Trip Ambassador will accompany Trippers as a guide for all itinerary activities.

  • Please note that gratuity/tips to service providers are not included in the Scheduled Trip


TOWT’s Travel Ambassador will communicate with Trippers on the Scheduled Trip via an electronic messaging program such as Whatsapp or IG. Tripper will be notified of the messaging program of choice before the Scheduled Trip and will be added to a group conversation which will be used for text communications throughout the Scheduled Trip. Tripper agrees to maintain the designated mobile application on their phone and remain a member of the group chat for the duration of the Scheduled Trip, as this will be the sole method of communication with the group.


TOWT crafts custom excursions for its Trippers to participate in. In the event that a planned excursion is cancelled, TOWT will make reasonable efforts to substitute the excursion with another planned activity or reschedule for a different day of the Trip. Circumstances outside of TOWT’s control do not give rise to a breach or refund.

Should Tripper decide to opt out of an excursion, Tripper understands that this does not entitle Tripper to a refund, partial or otherwise.

By participating in any and all excursions, Tripper acknowledges that Tripper does not have any physical limitations, medical ailment, physical or mental disabilities that would limit or prevent that Tripper from participating in the excursions. If necessary, Tripper will obtain a medical examination and clearance to participate in said excursions.

Tripper releases TOWT from any liability stemming from personal property loss, injury, and/or death that Tripper may sustain while participating in the Scheduled Tripe and/or its excursions.

In the event that a Tripper is late to an excursion, TOWT, the on-site Trip Ambassador, and/or the rest of the Trippers are not required to wait or delay the excursion. Refunds, partial or otherwise, will not be provided for any such absence. Should the Tripper not arrive in time to take TOWT transportation to the excursion, they may secure transportation to the excursion at their own expense.


Tripper is responsible for bringing with them everything they need for purposes of travel. The hosting hotel, hostel, Airbnb, etc. may provide items like shampoo, body wash, etc., however, TOWT does not guarantee any personal care or travel items to be available at the Scheduled Trip destination or accommodations.

TOWT is not responsible for the loss of or damage to luggage en route to the destination, at the time of departure, or for the duration of the Scheduled Trip.

Alcohol Consumption

Tripper agrees to engage in the consumption of alcohol in a reasonable manner and not to the point of becoming belligerent, violent, or detriment to self, others, property, and/or the overall Trip.


Tripper agrees to abide by the destination’s local, state, and federal laws and will refrain from engaging in any criminal activity, including but not limited to the possession, purchase, and consumption of illicit substances. Engaging in such behaviors will be considered as grounds for ejection.

In the event that a Tripper is incarcerated in the destination country, TOWT is under no obligation to provide bail money or otherwise. TOWT will make reasonable attempts to notify the emergency contact provided by Tripper in this Agreement.

Social Media and Online Forums

Trippers are encouraged to share their TOWT Trip with the world! (If Tripper chooses to do so, we’d love to be tagged!) Tripper agrees to not publish any disparaging comments, posts, or photos with respect to TOWT, the host destination, as well as fellow Trippers.


We at TOWT encourage socializing and immersion into the local society. However, it is against TOWT policy to bring non-Tripper guests to the TOWT-provided accommodations. Tripper agrees to not bring guests (regardless of gender) to the accommodations for the duration of the Scheduled Trip. Doing so will be considered as grounds for ejection at TOWT’s sole discretion.

Additional Travelers/Guests

Tripper agrees to not bring along any additional travelers that are not pre-approved by TOWT. Doing so will be considered as grounds for ejection at TOWT’s sole discretion.

Romantic/Intimate Relationships

Tripper agrees to not seek or pursue romantic relationships with any TOWT vendors, local partners, or other Trippers for the duration of the Scheduled Trip. Doing so will be considered as grounds for ejection at TOWT’s sole discretion.



In the event that Tripper sustains a loss of personal property during the duration of the Scheduled Trip, TOWT maintains no liability and will not be held responsible for any such loss. In addition, TOWT maintains no liability in the event that physical injury and/or death occurs during an Trip.

Local Emergencies

TOWT is unable to anticipate local emergencies and/or political climate changes in destination countries. In the event that an emergency arises, the TOWT Trip Ambassador will provide Trippers with information via the designated group messaging mobile application. Tripper agrees to record the following information in their mobile device and will travel to the U.S. Embassy in the event that an emergency situation arises.

Local Recommendations

During the Scheduled Trip, the TOWT Trip Ambassador may make recommendations on restaurants, shopping locations, etc. per Tripper’s request. TOWT cannot provide any guarantees as to any local vendors or service providers recommended by a Trip Ambassador or otherwise.


Electronic Signature

Tripper understands that under law, signatures transmitted digitally and created electronically via touchscreen or computer mouse shall have the same force and binding effect as an original handwritten signature in ink.


TOWT may hire a photographer to capture snapshots of your Trip. Tripper expressly and irrevocably authorizes the use of his or her likeness for commercial purposes by the Company as well as its assignees, licensees, legal representatives, and transferees, unless otherwise agreed to in writing. This authorization permits for the publication and use of any and all photographs, pictures, portraits, videos, and/or images in any and all forms and media including for purposes of illustration, commercial art, publishing, advertising, promotion, publicity, social media and other electronic forms, for any products or services, or other lawful uses as may be deemed appropriate by the Company in the course of its business.

No Modification

Parties agree that there shall be no changes to this Agreement – unless in writing, agreed to, and signed by both parties.

Force Majeure

TOWT may choose to be excused of any further performance obligations in the event of a disastrous occurrence outside the control of the Company that materially affects the Services provided in this Agreement, including but not limited to:

1. A natural disaster (fires, explosions, earthquakes, hurricane, flooding, storms, or infestation); or

2. War, invasion, act of foreign enemies, embargo, or other hostility (whether declared or not); or

3. Any hazardous situation created outside the control of either party such as a riot, disorder, pandemic or epidemic, nuclear leak or explosion, or act or threat of terrorism.

In the event that this Section applies, TOWT will be permitted to make a reasonable effort to reschedule Trip as needed, in order to comply with the terms of this Agreement, however, will not be found in breach if this is not possible due to the circumstances. Refunds will not be provided, rather, any money paid by Tripper may be applied to a future TOWT Trip.


Tripper cannot transfer this Agreement or Experience to any other entity or individual. Any potential transfer may only take place with the written permission of TOWT.


TOWT does not guarantee or provide any warranty, express or implied, with regards to any specific results or Trip.

Governing Law

The laws of the state of New York will govern the validity, construction, and performance of this contract. Any actions relating to this contract will be handled in courts or providers serving New York.

Unless otherwise precluded by law, disputes or claims must be filed within three months following completion of the trip. In the event of a dispute, the first course of action to be sought by either party, after making a good-faith and reasonable effort attempting to resolve the matter amicably, shall be mediation with a mutually agreed upon mediator. Parties shall share in the costs.

TOWT will do its due diligence prior to confirming Tripper-status and official reservation of the applicant’s spot on the Scheduled Trip. TOWT reserves the right to cancel enrollment at any time within 30 days of initial payment, for any reason.

Wherever possible, each provision of this contract will be interpreted so that it is valid under applicable law. If any provision is held illegal or unenforceable, that provision will be reformed to the extent necessary to make the provision legal and enforceable. All remaining provisions will remain unaffected and will continue in full force and effect.

Tripper has been given the opportunity to seek independent legal advice prior to signing this Agreement. Tripper acknowledges and agrees that Tripper has carefully read this Agreement, that Tripper understands and is voluntarily executing this Agreement.


The following charges are not included in the trip price unless otherwise noted: airfare to and from the start of your trip; airline baggage fees including checked and/or excess baggage fees; passports; visas and vaccinations; tips to your tour director, local host, driver, local guides, rest room attendants; gratuities on ferries, trains; laundry; telephone; minibar; alcohol, beverages, and food outside of the contracted TOWT menu as presented at accommodations or restaurants (these extra items will be billed to you before leaving the accommodation or restaurant); optional excursions; porterage at airports and train stations; travel insurance; and all other items of a personal nature.


Travelers must purchase their own airline tickets to the trip destination.  TOWT will not arrange air transportation and shall not be responsible or liable for a traveler’s airfare, airline ticket, or air travel arrangements.  All issues with your air travel shall be resolved with the respective airline on which you are ticketed. In the event the airline cancels, reschedules, or delays a flight for any reason or you miss your departure flight or connection, no refunds will be provided by TOWT for missed portions of the trip.  You are fully responsible for any additional expenses you may incur prior to joining the trip if you miss your departure flight or connecting flight. TOWT recommends all travelers purchase travel insurance with provisions to cover these unexpected expenses.


TOWT requires traveler’s to purchase traveler’s insurance for your TOWT trip.  The insurance should cover the cost of trip cancellations, flight delays and cancellations, loss of employment, and accidents and illness suffered by you that would prevent you from traveling on your booked trip or that may occur during the trip.  You should consider purchasing additional coverage to cover any money you may have spent prior to your scheduled trip departure. Travelers must submit documentation evidencing their purchase of traveler’s insurance to TOWT upon request.


All tour directors, local hosts and local guides utilized by TOWT speak English.  Travelers should be able to speak, read and understand English.


In the event TOWT believes that a traveler may interfere with other travelers’ enjoyment of the trip, TOWT may, in its sole discretion, refuse to allow the traveler to commence the trip or remove a traveler from the trip.  Travelers who (i) are considered a danger to themselves or others or (ii) have engaged in or are threatening to engage in behavior that may adversely affect the safety, security, comfort, enjoyment, or well-being of other travelers or TOWT representatives (including, but not limited to, behavior that is disruptive, verbally abusive, physically abusive, obnoxious, harassing, discriminatory, or obscene) or (iii) have failed or refused to following TOWT’s directives, recommendations, instructions, policies, or procedures, may be removed from the trip.  In the event TOWT refuses transport or removes a traveler, TOWT may leave the traveler at any destination and shall not be liable or responsible for accommodations, transportation, meals, medical care, or any other expenses incurred by the traveler after refusal or removal from the trip. TOWT will not refund any portion of the price paid by any traveler who is refused or removed and TOWT will be entitled to recover from the traveler any costs or expenses incurred by TOWT in removing or refusing the traveler.


TOWT requires travelers to be 21 years of age or older to book a trip and travel alone.  Persons under the age of 21 must have an adult (over the age of 21) accompany them on the trip and share accommodations.


On occasion, TOWT may organize trips to include family members.  These specialty trips will have itineraries that are designed to include children and/or spouses. On Specialty Trips, additional terms and conditions governing accommodations, travel requirements, etc. may apply and will be provided to the traveler prior to confirmation of booking.


Travelers who require special assistance due to a disability must notify TOWT when booking a trip.  In the event, TOWT is unable to arrange acceptable and reasonable accommodations for special needs or disabled travelers, TOWT will notify traveler and traveler will have the option to decide if they want to continue on the trip.  However, TOWT shall not be responsible for any denial of services by accommodations, restaurants, or other independent suppliers during the trip. TOWT will not provide individual assistance to a special needs disabled traveler during the trip.  Travelers must be able to independently partake in the activities of the trip. Special needs or disabled travelers should have a qualified and physically able companion accompany them to assist them during the trip. If a traveler fails to notify TOWT of a disability requiring special attention when booking the trip, TOWT reserves the right to cancel the booking or terminate the traveler’s trip.  TOWT may cancel or terminate a trip if the special needs or disabled traveler is not accompanied by a person who will provide assistance or if a traveler’s special needs or disabilities are not suitable for the trip. In the event TOWT cancels the booking or terminates the trip, TOWT will not refund or cover any costs or expenses incurred by the special needs or disabled traveler after cancellation or termination.  Some activities during the trip may require travelers to engage in extensive standing, sitting, or walking and facilities or sightseeing locations may not accommodate wheelchairs. The Americans with Disabilities Act is a federal law only applicable within the U.S.; therefore, facilities and accommodations for disabled individuals may be limited outside the U.S. TOWT will not refund or cover any cost or expense incurred by a special needs or disabled traveler for any missed activities due to the traveler’s inability to fully participate with the group.


International travel requires a passport.  You must verify all requirements and obtain a passport and all necessary visas for the trip, including all health requirements if any.  If you are refused entry into any country for failing to meet the entry and exit requirements, TOWT will not be liable. All visa or passport information provided by TOWT is applicable to U.S. citizens only.  Non-U.S. citizens must consult with the appropriate consulates to determine if any visas or other documents are needed. For more information on passport and visa requirements, please go to the U.S. State Department website at


TOWT utilizes various accommodations such as hotels, hostels, Airbnb and bed-and-breakfasts to house travelers during a trip.  Each trip will vary in terms of the accommodations used. Shared room accommodations, with twin beds, will be provided (double, triple or multiple bedded rooms). Single room accommodations may be available at an additional charge and must be requested at the time of booking.  Room and bed preferences are not guaranteed. Check-in times vary worldwide. TOWT cannot control or guarantee check-in times.


If a situation arises during the trip, please advise TOWT of your complaint or claims as soon as possible. Any complaint involving TOWT services or the services of its third-party suppliers must be relayed to TOWT within 30 days after completion of the trip.  If not, you will forfeit any compensation or other resolution that may have been due to you.


Certain planned activities during the trip may be unavailable if such activities fall on dates that are designated local or national holidays.  In the event a planned activity is unavailable, if possible, TOWT will offer an alternative activity. No refund or discount will be given to travelers for events that are cancelled due to local customs.


TOWT endeavors to provide a safe environment and experience for its travelers but cannot protect or guard traveler from certain risk and dangers when traveling outside of the United States.  During the trip travelers may be faced with forces of nature; political unrest; acts of lawlessness or terrorism; accidents or illnesses or other situations that may endanger the life of the traveler.  TOWT shall not be responsible for any risks and dangers that may arise and by booking a trip with TOWT, you agree not to hold TOWT liable for any harm suffered by you during the trip. You agree to hold TOWT harmless regarding any provision of medical care or the adequacy of any care rendered.  You must ensure that you are informed and aware of the applicable health requirements and recommended precautions relevant to the trip and that you carry all necessary vaccination documents, personal health information or personal medication. You run the risk of being denied entry into a country if you fail to present the required vaccination documentation.  Prior to booking a trip, you should refer to U.S. Department of State’s website for travel advice and vaccination requirements for the trip destination.


Photographs appearing on the TOWT website are used solely as a representation or similar depiction of the possible facilities and attractions and TOWT travelers should not rely on those depictions.  Actual facilities and attractions will vary. On some trips, TOWT may hire a photographer to take pictures of the travelers, activities, and attractions. By booking a trip with TOWT, you agree to grant TOWT permission to use photos of you taken during the trip by the TOWT photographer on our website and social media platforms for marketing purposes only.  TOWT may, in its sole discretion, make the pictures available to travelers as part of the trip or as an additional cost. In the event you upload your photos to the TOWT website, any upload grants a perpetual license to TOWT to use your photos for marketing purposes.


Optional excursions, outside of the planned TOWT trip activities may be available for booking through local operators or other third parties.  These parties are entirely independent of TOWT and do not form any part of the TOWT trip. Any optional excursion you book will not be governed by these Terms and Conditions.  In booking with a third party/local operator, you will be entering into a contract with said organizer or operator and will be subject to their terms and conditions, which may include limitations of liability or exclusions.  TOWT shall not be liable for any optional excursions or for any acts or omissions of the third-party/local operator, its employees or agents or any other person connected therewith, even where TOWT advertises, suggests or assists with booking an optional excursion with the third-party or local operator.  Any advice or assistance on or with any optional excursions provided by any local representative does not mean or imply that the option is sold, supervised, or controlled by TOWT, or that any such advice or assistance is given on behalf of TOWT. TOWT advises travelers to check with the operator of any optional excursion for the applicable terms and conditions before booking.


Wi-Fi connectivity may or may not be available during the trip. If available, it may be delayed, slowed, or otherwise interrupted.  TOWT has no obligation to provide travelers with Wi-Fi connectivity during the trip.

Privacy Policy

By using the TOWT website and booking a trip with TOWT, you consent to TOWT’s use of your personal information.  You acknowledge and agree that by purchasing a trip with TOWT, you consent to TOWT transmitting your personal information to our third-party suppliers, as necessary.  You acknowledge that you have reviewed and agreed with the TOWT privacy policy. The policy can be found on our website at


TOWT has independent contracts with each of the suppliers for the services. All trip services provided by third-parties are subject to the terms and conditions specified in the third party supplier documents and to the laws of the countries in which the services are supplied.  The third party supplier terms and conditions are available to you upon request. You agree that neither TOWT nor its representative shall be liable for any damage, loss (including personal injury, death, and property loss), or expense occasioned by any act or omission of any supplier providing services.  After departure, if the services included in the trip cannot be supplied or there are changes in an itinerary for reasons beyond the control of TOWT, depending on the circumstance, TOWT will take reasonable action to arrange for the provision of comparable services. Any resulting additional expense will be the responsibility of travelers.


To the extent permitted by law, neither TOWT nor any of its related companies, directors, employees or agents accept any liability in contract, tort or otherwise for any claim, injury, damage, loss, delay, additional expense or inconvenience caused directly or indirectly by the acts, omissions or default, whether negligent or otherwise, of another traveler or third party providers over whom TOWT has no direct control, by force majeure or by any other event which is beyond TOWT’s control.  Any limitation of responsibility stated for TOWT in these Terms and Conditions applies and extends to its related companies, directors, officers and agents. This limitation of liability provision does not make TOWT responsible for any costs and fees that are specifically stated as being your responsibility. Under circumstances where our liability cannot be excluded and where liability may be lawfully limited, such liability is limited to the remedies required of TOWT under applicable law.


The Terms and Conditions may only be amended, modified or waived by an authorized representative of TOWT.  Any such modification, amendment or waiver must be in writing.

The Terms and Conditions are subject to change.  TOWT advises you to check the TOWT website for the latest version of the Terms and Conditions prior to booking your trip.

Last updated: July 15, 2021

Travel Terms and Conditions: Welcome
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